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Research News and Upcoming Events

Dr. Michelle Forsythe

Dr. Michelle Forsythe

Associate Professor Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Congratulations to Dr. Shelly Forsythe for a $105,316 award from NSF Noyce for Collaborative Research: Investigating the Impact of Video-based Analysis of Classroom Teaching on STEM Teacher Preparation, Effectiveness, and Retention

This project serves the national need of supporting science teachers in developing effective teaching practice that attends to equity through video-based examinations of practice in teacher preparation and early induction. Its innovation is the integration of equity-oriented approaches into video analysis tasks to assist prospective and novice teachers in recognizing key aspects of student thinking, while also broadening that recognition to ensure classroom learning activities value students’ ideas, life experiences, and cultural and linguistic resources. 

This project, in conjunction with parallel projects at Vanderbilt University, Teachers College Columbia University, West Chester University, University of Northern Iowa, Louisiana State University, and Kennesaw State University, features a cross-site, longitudinal case study within seven elementary and secondary teacher preparation programs. Using a design-based research approach, cohorts of prospective teachers will engage in learning opportunities that support professional vision for equitable science teaching through video-based examinations of practice as part of their science methods coursework and field experiences. Selected teachers will then be followed into their induction year(s) at high need school districts and continue to be provided support through networked video clubs.

Congratulations to Dr. Brenda Berumen for the award of a grant from the Southwest Center for Occupational and Environmental Health, a NIOSH supported Education and Research Center (ERC), at the University of Texas Health Science Center School of Public Health.

The project entitled “Perceived Need for Mental Health Services Among Hispanic/Latino Farmworkers in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas” is a pilot project with a total budget of $10,000. The research aims to assess self-reported anxiety, depression, social connectedness, and perceived need for mental health services among a population of Hispanic/Latino farmworkers employed in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. This project will help fill existing gaps in what is presently understood about Hispanic/Latino farmworkers’ perceptions of anxious and depressive symptom severity, accounting for workers’ unique cultural characteristics and acculturative experiences. It will ultimately help inform the development of culturally sensitive interventions targeting Hispanic/Latino farmworkers. This study builds on findings from a research study funded by an award from Texas State University’s Research Enhancement Program.

Dr. Berumen

Dr. Brenda Berumen

Assistant Professor Department of Health and Human Performance

Dr. Sarah Blalock

Dr. Sarah Blalock

Associate Professor Department of Counseling, Leadership, Adult Education and School Psychology

Congratulations to Dr. Sarah Blalock on receiving a Fulbright Specialist Award of $9,700 for her project titled Culturally Adapted Play Therapy in New Zealand

Culturally Adapted Play Therapy in New Zealand is a Fulbright Specialist Funded grant that will prepare professors and students in the School of Psychology at Massey University in Palmerston North, New Zealand (as well as local mental health professionals) to conduct play therapy with child clients. Dr. Blalock will provide training utilizing a new methodology, allowing mental health professionals to opt into up to 5 progressive phases of training, depending on the needs and interests of the professional. Additionally, Dr. Blalock will assist professors/researchers at Massey University in setting up a playroom in the university clinic to serve child clients. Together, they will explore possible cultural adaptations needed.

Congratulations to Dr. Kathy Randolph for the award of a grant from the US Dept. of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Education Innovation and Research (EIR)

The multi-institutional project entitled "Second Step® to Enhance Rural Students’ Achievement and Wellbeing" is a 5-year effort with a total budget of $3,945,003, including a $187,287 sub-award to Dr. Kathy Randolph. Project Second Step® aims to increase rural student academic and behavioral outcomes in five high-need school districts in Texas. Project partners include Wood County Cooperative, the University of Oklahoma, Committee for Children, WestEd, and Texas State University. Dr. Kathy Randolph will support the development of a multi-tiered educator coaching program that leverages rural strengths and takes into account rural context to support fidelity of implementation of the Second Step® curriculum.


Dr. Kathy Randolph

Dr. Kathy Randolph

Assistant Professor Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Congratulations to Drs. Alyson Collins, Stephen Ciullo, and Jennifer Porterfield for their award of $1,223,265 from the U.S. Department of Education for Project LEAD: Learning and Education for All with Dyslexia

Project LEAD: Learning and Education for All with Dyslexia is a federally-funded personnel preparation grant that will prepare 23 scholars in evidence-based literacy practices through graduate-level coursework, professional development, and field-based teaching experiences. Project LEAD will prepare special education personnel to serve school-age children with disabilities with high-intensity needs. Scholars selected for the program will earn a master’s degree in special education with a concentration on learning disabilities/inclusion and a dyslexia specialist certification. Project LEAD will expand Texas State University’s master’s program and address teacher shortages by establishing a new pathway for teachers to become a Certified Academic Language Therapist (CALT).

Dr. Alyson Collins

Dr. Alyson Collins

Associate Professor Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. Stephen Ciullo

Dr. Stephen Ciullo

Associate Professor Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. Jennifer Porterfield

Dr. Jennifer Porterfield

Senior Lecturer Curriculum and Instruction