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Developmental Education Doctoral Student Handbook

This handbook provides information about the Doctoral Program in Developmental Education (Ph.D./Ed.D.) with concentrations in Developmental Literacy, Developmental Mathematics, and Learning Support. The handbook is intended for current doctoral students in the program for use as a tool to better understand program expectations and requirements. In addition to this handbook, you should have ready access to Texas State University's Graduate Catalog. Also, please familiarize yourself with The Graduate College website. Please note that it is your responsibility to know and observe all policies and procedures related to this program, the University, and The Graduate College.

Even with such resources on program and institution requirements, earning a doctorate is a unique experience for every individual. Please know that the program faculty and staff are here to help guide you toward success. Whenever you have questions ( and you will have questions), your first stop in almost all cases is your advisor or chair (depending on where you are in the program).

We hope that you find the information helpful and we welcome any feedback or suggestions for improvement.