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Student Learning Outcomes

The curriculum in the Doctoral Program in Developmental Education is focused on the following three student learning outcomes for all students completing the program:

OUTCOME 1: Graduates will demonstrate the ability to understand, synthesize, and evaluate critically the field's theoretical scholarship, empirical research, and practical literature to inform inquiry.

OUTCOME 2: Graduates will demonstrate the ability to control empirical research literature through the literature review aspect of their comprehensive examination. Students will construct a structured critical review of the literature that focuses on a particular Developmental Education issue, defines the theoretical framework of the major theories that frame the extant scholarship, discusses the impact of the epistemological stance of the research methods in the literature, synthesizes and compares the trends in the findings of relevant studies, and identifies theoretical or methodological gaps in the research literature.

OUTCOME 3: Graduates will demonstrate the ability to contribute to the scholarly communities associated with Developmental Education.