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GEMS Guide

 MATTER: Solids, Liquids & Gases

Julie Cervantes and Augusto Angel

Concept Map
Assessment Plan
Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 2
Orientation Video
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8 Days- 5 Activities

Matter: Solids, Liquids & Gases

Gems¨ TeacherÕs Guide for Grades 1-3

Monday - Day 1



 Week 1

á       Students create a concept map (mind map) of what they already know about matter using pencil and paper or Kidspiration/Inspiration software

á       Create a KWL chart and make a list combining what the students already know and want to learn (optional)

á       Use this as a guide to determine what lessons need to be taught in the GEMS guide


Tuesday - Day 2

Activity 1:

Solids and Liquids


45 ø 60 min.



á       Organize materials and set up learning stations

á       Introduce lesson, present bags of objects, and divide class into groups

á       Have students observe, discuss, manipulate, sort, objects

á       Introduce and explain the Secret Sort game

á       Have students play the Secret Sort game

á       Discuss definitions of solids and liquids

á       Have students re-sort objects and record in their journal

á       Assemble Solids & Liquids display board and explain how it will be used in the next lesson


Wednesday - Day 3

Activity 2:

Collecting Solids & Liquids


45 ø 60 min.


á       Review Solids and Liquids

á       Introduce and model the Solids and Liquids learning Stations

á       Conduct the Learning Station activity

á       Discuss different collections placed on the display board

á       Engage students in coming up with and adding expanded definitions of solids and liquids to the display board

á       Have students record new information in their journals


Thursday - Day 4

Activity 3:

Challenging Substances


45 ø 60 min.


á       Organize materials and set up learning stations

á       Introduce hand signals for Solids and Liquids

á       Discuss the substances on the display board

á       Introduce the Challenging Substances the students will explore

á       Explain the rationale and procedure for the Challenging Substances stations

á       Conduct the Challenging Substances activity

á       Discuss Glook, toothpaste, and shaving cream

á       Discuss sand, powders and related substances

á       Have students record in their journal


Friday - Day 5 (optional)

Review, assess, and clarify any misconceptions


á       Review what was covered during the week

á       Assess students and identify and / or address areas that need further explanation

á       Clarify any misconceptions



Monday - Day 6

Activity 5:

Gases  (part 1)


45 min.

 Week 2

á       Set up materials required for peppermint demonstration

á       Introduce and discuss gasses as a third kind of matter

á       Have students discuss types of gasses and evidence of their existence

á       Conduct peppermint demonstration

á       Set up and/or explain the different stations and procedures for the next class


Tuesday - Day 7

Activity 5 (contÕd.):

Gases  (part 2)


45 ø 60 min.


á       Review concept of gases

á       Organize materials and set up Gas Stations  (if not already done)

á       Walk around explaining the different stations and procedures for activity

á       Conduct activity by having pairs or groups of students rotate among the stations

á       Discuss activity, findings, results and what was learned


Wednesday - Day 8



á       Students create a new concept map (mind map)

á       The new concepts that have been learned can also be added to the L section on the KWL chart

á       The KWL chart can be an ongoing class assessment