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GEMS:Oobleck, What Do Scientists Do?

Salina Allen and Beverly Pairett

Concept Map
Assessment Plan
Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 2
Orientation Video
Clinical Interviews
Elementary Science Methods Home

Gems Unit-What do Scientists do?
Resource List for Activities 1-6 
Whole Group Resources

__ Old Newspapers

__ Roll of Masking Tape

__ Green Food Coloring

__ 1 extra 16 oz. box of cornstarch

__ 1 measuring cup

__ Large mixing Bowl or bucket (6-8 liters)

__ Water

__ Paper Towels

__ Markers

__ Overhead Projector

__ Overhead transparencies

__ Hot plate

__ Saucepan

__ 2 clear containers

__ Sugar

__ Stirrer

__ Spoon

__ Sentence Strips

__ Tape

__ Collection of toothpicks, popsicle sticks, plastic utensils, packing “peanuts,” small paper cups, paper clips, straws


Small Group Resources

Per class of 32

Based on Groups of 4


__ 8 deep plastic bowls (at least 2 quarts)

__ 8 boxes of cornstarch

__ 8 markers

__ 16 large sheets of paper (at least 16 X 20)