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Bubble Festival

Laura Cerda and Stephanie Davis

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Texas State

Bubble Festival

Name: ________________________

Teacher: Cerda/Davis

Date : ___________________

Title of Work: ___________________










Stations Completed

0/1 Stations written about

Only 2/3 Stations written about

Only 4/5 Stations written about

All 6 Stations complete and written about


Drawings presented per Station complete

No drawings are included

Less than half of the stations written about have drawings

More than half of the stations written about have drawings

Each station written about has a drawing



Overall Handwriting is difficult to read and drawings are difficult to interpret

Less than half of the stations written about have handwriting that is easy to read and drawings that are detailed

More than half of the stations written about have handwriting that is easy to read and drawings that are detailed

Overall handwriting is easy to read and drawings are detailed


Expanded Ideas

no further question about station noted, and no experiment results listed

Less than half of the stations written about have questions and experiment results listed

More than half of the stations written about have questions and experiment results listed

Each station had a question and experiment result listed


Favorite part of the Bubble Festival Shared with class orally

Student did not present favorite part to class

Student presented his/her favorite part of the Festival orally, but did not explain why it was his/her favorite part

Student presented his/her favorite part of the Festival orally, and did explain why it was his/her favorite part

Student presented his/her favorite part of the Festival orally and shared pictures drawn or an expanded idea too








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