What's Happening to My Body When I'm Sick?

by Melvin Feng, Jessica Hawkins, Jennifer Park, George Joseph

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

Modification 1, Modification 2, Modification 3, Modification 4

Attention Deficit Disorder

To accommodate for a student in the classroom with a disability, for
instance, an A.D.D. student, use the following measures:
* Always ask questions in a clarifying manner, then have the students with
learning disabilities describe his or her understanding of the questions.
* Use an overhead projector with an outline of the lesson or unit of the
* Reduce course load for student with learning disabilities.
* Provide clear photocopies of your notes and overhead transparencies, if
the student benefits from such strategies.
* Provide students with chapter outlines or study guides that cue them to
key points in their readings.
* Provide a detailed course syllabus before class begins.
* Ask questions in a way that helps the student gain confidence. Keep oral
instructions logical and concise. Reinforce them with a brief cue words.
* Repeat or re-word complicated directions. Frequently verbalize what is
being written on the chalkboard.
* Eliminate classroom distractions such as, excessive noise, flickering
lights, etc.
* Outline class presentations on the chalkboard or on an overhead
* Outline material to be covered during each class period unit.
(At the end
of class, summarize the important segments of each presentation.)
Establish the
clarity of understanding that the student has about class assignments.
* Give assignments both in written and oral form.
* Have more complex lessons recorded and available to the students with
learning disabilities.
* Have practice exercises available for lessons, in case the student has
* Have students with learning disabilities underline key words
or directions
on activity sheets (then review the sheets with them).
* Have complex homework assignments due in two or three days
rather than on
the next day.
* Pace instruction carefully to ensure clarity.
* Present new and or technical vocabulary on the chalkboard or overhead.
* Provide and teach memory associations (mnemonic strategies).
* Support one modality of presentation by following it with
instruction and
then use another modality.
* Talk distinctly and at a rate that the student with a learning
can be follow.
* Technical content should be presented in small incremental steps.
* Use plenty of examples, oral or otherwise, in order to make topics more
* Use straight forward instructions with step-by-step unambiguous terms.
(Preferably, presented one at a time).
* Write legibly, use large type; do not clutter the blackboard with
non-current / non-relevant information.
* Use props to make narrative situations more vivid and clear.
* Assist the student, if necessary, in borrowing classmates' notes.
* Consider cross-age or peer tutoring if the student appears
unable to keep
up with the class pace or with complex subject matter. The more capable reader
can help in summarizing the essential points of the reading or in establishing
the main idea of the reading.

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Visual Impairment





There are two main functional categories of visual impairments: Low Vision and Blind. Low vision students usually are print users , but may require special equipment and materials. The definition of legal blindness covers a broad spectrum of visual impairments. The extent of visual disability depends upon the physical sensory impairment of the student's eyes, the age of the student at the onset of vision impairment, and the way in which that impairment occurred. Vision also may fluctuate or may b e influenced by factors such as inappropriate lighting, light glare, or fatigue. Hence, there is no "typical" vision impaired student. The major challenge facing visually impaired students in the science educational environment is the overwhelming mass o f visual material to which they are continually exposed, viz., textbooks, class outlines, class schedules, chalkboards writing, etc. In addition, the increase in the use of films, videotapes, computers, laser disks, and television adds to the volume of v isual material to which they have only limited access. To assist in overcoming a students' visual limitation requires unique and individual strategies based on that student's particular visual impairment and his/her skill of communication ( e.g., Braille, speed listening, etc.). (After: "The Mainstream Teaching of Science: A Source Book", Keller et al.)




General Courtesy

Speak to the class upon entering and leaving the room or site.

Call the student with a vision impairment by name if you want his/her attention.

Seat the student away from glaring lights (e.g. by the window) and preferably infront of the class.

Use descriptive words such as straight, forward, left, etc. in relation to the student's body orientation. Be specific in directions and avoid the use of vague terms with unusable information, such as "over there", "here", "this", etc.

Describe, in detail, pertinent visual occurrences of the learning activities.

Describe and tactually familiarize the student to the classroom, laboratory, equipment, supplies, materials, field sites, etc.

Give verbal notice of room changes, special meetings, or assignments.

Offer to read written information for a person with a visual impairment, when appropriate.

Order the appropriate text books for the students in their preferred medium.

Identify yourself by name, don't assume that the student who is visually impaired will recognize you by your voice even though you have met before.

If you are asked to guide a student with a visual impairment, identify yourself, offer your services and, if accepted, offer your arm to the student's hand. Tell them if they have to step up or step down, let them know if the door is to their left or right, and warn them of possible hazards.

Orally, let the student know if you need to move or leave or need to end a conversation.

If a student with a visual impairment is in class, routinely check the instructional environment to be sure it is adequate and ready for use.

When communicating with a student who has a vision impairment, always identify yourself and others who are present.

Do not pet or touch a guide dog. Guide dogs are working animals. It can be hazardous for the visually impaired person if the dog is distracted.

Be understanding of the slight noise made by a portable translator.

Also use an auditory or tactile signal where a visual signal is normally used.

It is not necessary to speak loudly to people with visual impairments.

Always notify changes of class schedule in advance.


General Strategies


The degree of impairment and the student's background and training (like the degree of proficiency in Braille) will affect the usefulness of the various strategies and suggestions. The student with a vision impairment will most likely need assistance in all aspects of science programs. The various strategies given below will work for most vision impaired students--some may not. Accessible description will be necessary for pictures, graphics, displays, or field sites, etc.; the student's identification queries; and differentiation of items where touch will not discriminate; and in orientation and mobility aspects in unfamiliar situations.

Bring to the student's attention science role models with disabilities with a similar disability to that of the student. Point out that this individual achieved by a combination of effort and by asking for help when needed.

A wide selection of magnifying devices are available that can be used by visually impaired students to assist in reading or working with objects that need to be observed.

A screen reader, low vision projection screen, or an item like outSPOKEN or a similar system can be used to read a computer screens.

A screen magnifier may be used to enlarge print on a computer screen.

General Information Access for Persons with Vision Loss

Visual material needs to be accompanied by a verbal description. If you are demonstrating how to use a piece of equipment, be sure to describe the equipment and what you are doing to operate it. Read overheads aloud and describe the content of slides (see note below about large print). In a conference presentation setting, you will probably want to provide all descriptions yourself. If you are showing a videotape, describe the action. If you distribute videotapes as handouts, any action or an explanatory text that is crucial to understanding the text of the presentation should be narrated.

If there are multiple speakers (such as a panel), have each speaker introduce himself or herself to the audience so that the speakers' voices are keyed for the audience as to their identity.

Be certain that your presentation can be clearly heard by everyone in the room and repeat all questions from the audience, prior to answering.

Handouts should be available in large print, audiotape, computer disk, and/or Braille formats. If this is not possible prior to your presentation, note the various individuals' preferred formats and then make your materials available to them within a short time after your presentation.

Large Print * - People who have some functional vision may be able to see print if it is large enough. Prepare print information on white paper with sharp, black ink. Standard print is generally 10-12 point type. Large print is 16-18 point and up, generally an enlargement setting of 160-175% on a copy machine. In the case of documents that already exist in print form, use a copy machine to enlarge each page onto 11 x 17 paper. Try darker settings on the copy machine to increase contrast without producing streaks. Many computer programs offer a variety of font types and sizes.

(On most newer versions of browsers, you can select Text Zoom from View Menu of the browser for larger view).



Teacher Presentation

By verbally spelling out a new or technical word, you will be helping the student with a vision impairment, as well as for other students.

An enlarged activity script, directions, or readings of a detailed lesson can be used for a low vision person and for use in describing tactile 3D models .

Use an overhead projector to show step-by-step instructions. Mask all the instructions except the one(s) that you want to present.

Use an opaque projector whenever possible to enlarge a text or manual.

All colored objects used for identification related to a lesson, experiment, or other directions should be labeled with a Braille label maker or otherwise tacitly coded for most students with vision impairments.

Describe, in detail, visual occurrences, visual media, and directions including all pertinent aspects that involve sight.

Use a sighted narrator or descriptive video (preferably the latter) to describe aspects of videos or laser disks.

Describe, in detail, all pertinent visual occurrences or chalkboard writing.

Where needed, have lesson or direction materials Brailled, use an enlarged activity script, or recorded ahead of time, for class handouts.

Have tactile 3D models, raised line drawings, or thermoforms available to supplement drawings or graphics in a tactile format when needed.

Whenever possible, use actual objects for three dimensional representations.

Modify instructions for auditory/tactile presentation.

Use raised line drawings for temporary tactile presentations.

Use an overhead projector, chalkboard, graphs, or slides as you would normally, but provide more detailed oral descriptions, possibly supplemented with thermoforms where appropriate.

Allow student to use a tape recorder for recording classroom presentations or the text.

Make all handouts and assignments available in an appropriate form: e.g., regular print, large print, Braille, or on a cassette, depending on the students optimal mode of communication.

Use a monocular or a private eye (electronic miniature television) or similar devices for long range observations of chalk board or demonstration table presentations.




1) Describe and tactually/spatially familiarize the student with the lab and all equipment to be used.


2) Consider alternate activities/exercises that can be utilized with less difficulty for the student, but has the same or similar learning objectives.


3) Use an enlarged activity script, directions, or readings for a low vision student (or taped script for a student who is blind) for use with tactile 3D models.


4) Make all handouts and assignments available in the appropriate form for the student: e.g., regular print, large print, Braille, or tape depending on the students optimal mode of communication.


5) Assistance may be needed for converting certain laboratory materials from a visual to a tactile format.


6) Have the student with a vision impairment do a trial run on the equipment before the activity.


7) Allow more time for the laboratory activities.


8) Always try to keep materials, supplies, and equipment in the same places.


9) Use a microprojector or similar device to help the visually impaired student to examine images from a microscope.


10) Place the student and/or tape recorder an appropriate distance from the activity to permit hearing and/or the recording of results or observations.


11) Use an overhead projector or opaque projector to show step-by-step instructions. Mask all the instructions except the one(s) that you want followed for students with vision impairments.


12) Use Descriptive Video for videos or laser disks. If Descriptive Video is not available, use a sighted narrator to describe movies, videos, laser disks, or slides.


13) Provide means for the acquisition and/or recording of data in an appropriate mode for the student.


14) Use tag shapes for showing relationships (such as distance comparisons) buttons, or other markers on a "layout" board.


15) A Braille label maker will be useful for identifying materials and containers in the laboratory for the vision impaired student with a vision impairment who reads Braille.


16) Make equipment available that the student with a vision impairment can access in interpreting and understanding the results of laboratory exercises ( e.g. audible readout voltmeters, calculators, talking thermometers, magnifiers, etc.


17) Use a hot plate for heating instead of Bunsen burner.


18) Label material, supplies, and equipment with regular print, large print, and/or Braille, as appropriate for the vision impaired student.


19) Pair the student with a vision impairment with a sighted student. Then have the non-impaired student describe the activities and outcomes as they are observed.


20) A low vision projection screen can be use to magnify images up to 720X.


21) Use a portable communication board to provides auditory scanning of laboratory materials such as: pictographic symbols, letters, and/or words.


22) When using a computer, the student with a visual disability can use a voice input device or a remote voice system to verbally enter commands.


23) Prior to the enrollment of a student with a visual impairment in class, obtain laboratory equipment that have available ability to produce adaptive outputs such as: a large screen, print materials, or various audio output devices.


24) Various Braille devices can be used to assists vision impaired students when reading.


25) For "reading" the outputs of balances and other instruments, one can use a Braille N' Speak device (Blazie Engineering)


26) Have a lab assistant help you if necessary to make sure that students with visual impairments are being assisted.


Group Interaction and Discussion

Describe and tactually/spatially familiarize the student to the classroom.

Place the student and/or recorder an appropriate distance from the activity to permit recording of material.

Use a tape recorder.

If the student is partially sighted, be sure he/she is seated where lighting is appropriate.

Use a note taker who takes notes in the appropriate mode.



Text Reading Systems

Paid or volunteer readers or writers can assist a student with a visual impairment with texts, materials, and library readings .

Offer to read, or arrange to have read, written information for a person with a visual impairment, when appropriate.

Arrange, ahead of time, for audio book acquisition of the text or other reading materials through the Talking Book Service, Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic, text reading systems, or audio output devices.

Various Braille devices can be used to assists vision impaired students when reading.



Field Experiences

Make all handouts, safety information, and assignments available in an appropriate form (e.g., regular print, large print, tactile Braille, or cassette).

Consider alternate activities/exercises that can be utilized with less difficulty for the student, but has the same or similar learning objectives.

Use a sighted guide.

Do detailed description and narration of objects seen in science centers, museums, and/or field activities.

The use of a laser cane or mowat sensor can be useful in assisting the student in unfamiliar surroundings.

An enlarged activity script, directions, or readings for descriptions of a field/activity for a low vision person to use with field observations.

Suggest that the student use a standard tape recorder.




Review and discuss with the student the steps involved in a research activity. Think about which step(s) may be difficult for the specific functional limitations of the student and jointly devise accommodations for that student.

Use appropriate lab and field strategies according to the nature of the research.

Various Braille Devices can be used to assists vision impaired students when reading.

Suggest that the student use a tape recorder with a sighted person on the various activities.

Research on Mowatt sensor



Make arrangements for tactile examinations, if touch is not normally permitted (say, in a museum) then contact the curator for tactile access to a museum display items or say, in a zoo for access to a plant/animal species and/or collection).

Place the student being tested close to the activity if tactile examination is necessary.

Present examinations in a form that will be unbiased to visually impaired students. Ask the student for the approach he/she finds to be most accessible.

One possible accessible method is to record test questions on tape and have the students record their answers on tape in an area which has minimal disturbance for other students.

Use an enlarged activity script, directions, or readings to go along with the testing material.

Allow more time.

Allow calculators to be used during the test.

Make use of larger print (e.g. 14 pt; 20 pt sized or as needed).

Make use of visual magnification (magnifier or magnifying machine), audiocassette, Braille/Braille graphs/Braille device for written responses, large block answer sheet.

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Muscular Dystrophy

Mobility Impairments
*wheelchair-accessible field site
*uncluttered lab; clear, wide aisles
*preferential seating to avoid physical barriers and assure visual access to demonstrations
*mirrors above the instructor giving a demonstration
*an enlarged screen
*wheelchair-accessible, adjustable-height work surface
*slip stop mat
*utility and equipment controls within easy reach from seated position
*electric stirrer, container filler
*support stand, beaker/object clamp; test rack
*handle son beakers/objects/equipment
*surgical gloves to handle wet/slippery items
*modified procedures to use larger weights and volumes
*extended eyepieces so students who use wheelchairs can use microscopes
*flexible connections to electrical, water and gas lines
*single-action lever controls in place of knobs
*alternate lab storage methods (e.g.,"Lazy Susan," storage cabinet on casters)

All of this information from this website: http://www.as.wvu.edu/~scidis/sitemap/html

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*combination of written, verbal, and pictorial instructions with scaffolding
*repeated demonstration of procedure and support practice
*frequent brief breaks
*preferential seating to avoid distractions and minimize extraneous stimuli
*scanning and speaking "pen"

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