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GEMS: Penguins & Their Young

Christine Herron

Concept Map
Assessment Plan
Lesson Plan 1
Orientation Video
Elementary Science Methods Home
Penguin Book
Penguin Tips
Penguin Tips

*This project should be completed during February so that materials can be gathered—eggs, gloves, mittens, and stuffed penguins.


*Use containers that have lids, to limit spills when changing subjects.


*Have stuffed animals for role playing.


*Use different colored fish crackers to symbolize different food types.


*Have field trips available or a guest speaker.


*Have optional activities, for students who want more choices.


*Provide different shaped ice trays, to show ice can take different shapes.


*Use food colors in ice, to show the melting of the ice in the water.


*Start collecting milk cartons as a class and have them wash them out, then freeze at home.


*Have students bring containers to freeze water in.


*Provide other materials that talk about penguins, books, magazines, newspapers, etc.

*Show students clips from documentaries and movies, the relevant parts.


*Ask parents to send extra clothes, gloves, mittens, stuffed penguins, donation of Tupperware box with lids, provide permission slips for field trips/Guest speaker, and parental help/volunteers.