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Liquid Explorations

Nikki Ulaszek Benjamin & Sarah Martinez

Concept Map
Assessment Plan
Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 2
Orientation Video
Fall 2007 Projects Home
CI5329 Projects Home

Months Before: Request that students collect bottles or jars for Activity 1.

Day 1 – Activity 1
Prep: 30 mins
Class: 15-25 mins
Day 2 – Activity 2
Prep: 30 mins
Class: 30-50 mins
Day 3 – Activity 2 extended
Prep: 15 mins
Class: 20-30 mins
Day 4 – Activity 3
Prep: 30 mins
Class: 30-60 mins
Day 5 – Activity 4
Prep: 15 mins
Class: 15-30 mins
Day 6 – Activity 5
Prep: 20 mins
Class: 40-70 mins
Day 7 – Review and Assess

Day 1: (Activity 1: Liquid Classification Game) Students list things that are liquid (drinkable and non-drinkable).  Students compare and contrast different liquids. (15-25 minutes)
Day 2: (Activity 2: Swirling Colors) Students put a drop of food coloring into classes of water, salt water, and bubble water.  Students draw their observations on "Swirling Colors" worksheet.  (30-50 minutes)
Day 3: (Activity 2 extended) Students put a drop of cood coloring into other liquids and draw their observations on "Swirling Colors" worksheet.  Students discuss properties of liquids and how they affect movement.  (20-30 minutes)
Day 4: (Activity 3: Raindrops & Oil Drops) Students describe water and oil drops.  Students explore separating and combining these drops.  Students compare how drops move on different surfaces.  (30-60 minutes)
Day 5: (Activity 4: Ocean in a Bottle) Students create an "ocean in a bottle."  Students discuss what happens when oil and water are combined.  (15-30 minutes)
Day 6: (Activity 5: Secret Salad Dressing) Students compare and contrast oil and vinegar.  Students predict what will happen when combined.  Students create their own secret salad dressing and record their recipe.  Students analyze each other's recipes.  (40-70 minutes)

Day 7: (Review and Assess) The teacher will guide the students in reviewing the concepts they have learned. The teacher will explain the directions and rubric for the final assessment, for which students will create a concept map of liquids.