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River Cutters

Kathryn Mueller and Halie Marek

Concept Map
Assessment Plan
Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 2
Orientation Video
Clinical Interviews
Elementary Science Methods Home

Session Divider

Excellent- 100% of points earned


Satisfactory- 75%


Needs Improvement- 50%



Overall Portfolio



  • Portfolio Includes seven dividers labeled Session 1-7
  • Writing: Uses correct grammar, correct sentence structure
  • Creatively decorated and organized
  • Portfolio is missing one divider
  • Writing: minimal grammar mistakes, sentences are somewhat unclear
  • Portfolio is missing 2 or more dividers
  • Writing: multiple errors in grammar, sentences very unclear


Session 1


10 pts

  • Drawing of river system includes labeled features and detailed written notes about their observations.
  • Drawing of river is lacking minimal detail in either labels or notes.
  • Drawing of river is lacking substantial labels or notes.


Session 2


10 pts

  • Five or more features were identified from the geological handout.
  • 3-4 features were identified from the geological handout.
  • 1-2 features were identified from the geological handout.


Session 3


10 pts

  • The timeline was fully filled out with the events in the correct date.
  • Detailed/thorough description of how rivers formed over time.


  • 1-2 events were not filled out on the timeline sheet.
  • Description of river formations had adequate detail.
  • 3 or more events were not filled out on the timeline sheet.
  • Description of river formation lacked substantial detail.



Session 4


10 pts

  • River is drawn with labeled locations of river formations.
  • River is drawn, lacking detail in labels of river formations
  • River is drawn without labeled formations


Session 5


10 pts

  • All discussion questions are correctly answered.
  • Student gives adequate thought in responding to the question.
  • Student’s response lacks clarity or understanding to content.


Session 6


10 pts

  • River valleys handout questions are correctly answered reflecting clear understanding of information.
  • Two rivers are drawn with a detailed explanation of how the two compare.
  • River valleys handout questions reflect understanding yet lack detail.
  • Two rivers are drawn with explanation lacking detail of how the two compare.
  • River valleys handout questions are not answered or reflect lack of understanding of content.
  • Two rivers are drawn with unclear or no explanation of the comparison.


Session 7


10 pts

  • One page summary addresses the three questions thoroughly.
  • Brainstormed ideas reflect thoughtfulness.
  • Lab report includes research question, procedure, results, conclusion, and recommendations in a thorough response.
  • One page summary addresses 2 questions with detail.
  • Brainstormed ideas reflect understanding, yet need more detail.
  • Lab report lacks 1-2 sections in report.
  • Summary lacking responses to two or more questions.
  • Brainstormed ideas lack thoughtfulness or detail.
  • Lab report lacks 3 or more sections in the report.



River Cutters Portfolio

Halie Marek & Kathryn Mueller



Possible Points: 100