Creating Your Own Rock Band

by McKee Andrus, William Johnson, and Paul Winkeler

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

Assessment Plan

            Each team will develop an annotated portfolio. These will be used as the main form of assessment as it provides a collection of all aspects of the project. This will be augmented by a final presentation. To assist the students in completing their portfolios, we will periodically expect documented problem solutions from them. Furthermore, each student will keep diagnostic learning logs. This will be the main form of individual assessment. These logs will allow students to return to previous work and revise it before presenting their final portfolio. We will review these periodically. If there are concepts that some students display a better understanding than others, then we will set aside time for those students to present this understanding.

            To begin the project, however, we will have the students create concept maps that serve two purposes. First, it will allow us to see where the students have misconceptions about the math behind creating a rock band. Second, it will give them a structure that can be augmented throughout the project.  We believe that with these assessment techniques, we will set up the students for success both on the group level and on the individual level.



Name: ______________________________
Date: _______________

Use this form to assess the portfolio as a whole. Since individual items in the portfolio have likely already been evaluated, it is important to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the entire portfolio and to focus on progress.






Variety: The portfolio spans a number of different music-related subjects that draw from the physical as well as social sciences.





Understanding of the content:  The portfolio uses a number of different ways to communicate ideas, such as written explanations, charts and graphs, labeled illustrations, power point presentations, etc.





Evidence of critical thinking and problem-solving ability:  The portfolio supplies concrete examples that supplement the theory.  It adopts specific goals and shows how to reach those goals.





Effectiveness of communication:  There are a minimum of typographical and mathematical errors, and credit is given where appropriate.





Evidence of creativity: The portfolio is original in design, attractive, interesting.










Overall progress in the course












Project Calendar



         Mon                   Tue                         Wed                      Thurs                       Fri


Anchor Video



Concept Map

Pythagorus and

The Quadrivium

Relating Math and Music

Benchmark Lesson, Harmonic Series and Periodic Functions

Project Based Inquiry: vibrating strings and the nature of sound: Part I

Inquiry continued,

Part II

Diagnostic Learning Logs due for review

Introduction to Acoustics:  What is it, Where is it found, What is desirable?

Benchmark Lesson: Logarithmic Functions

Project Based Inquiry into the nature of the decibel, Part I

Inquiry continued, Part II

Presentations of documented problem solutions

Tinitus awareness/



Guest Speaker

Diagnostic Learning Logs due for review

Benchmark Lesson:  Conic Sections Part I: Circles

Benchmark Lesson: Conic Sections Part II: Parabolas

Benchmark Lesson: Conic Sections Part II: Hyperbolas

Project-Based Inquiry: Lighting the Stage, Part I

Inquiry Continued, Lighting the Stage Part II

Presentations of documented problem solutions

Benchmark Lesson: What is marketing research, target audience?

Band identity


Formation of a Hypothetical Band

Statistical Analysis: Conducting a Survey

Analysis of Data, Forming Conclusions based on Research

Portfolio Workshop, collating previous material into presentation format.

Diagnostic Learning Logs due for review

Benchmark Lesson:  Linear inequalities: maximizing merchandizing profit.

Project Inquiry: Planning a Tour


Presentations of documented problem solutions

Project Inquiry:

Pressing a CD


Presentations of documented problem solutions

Musical Guest Speaker.  We meet with our “Client” to assess their needs.

Portfolio Workshop, forming recommendations and procedures for collecting needed data.

Portfolio Worshop


Introductions and Abstracts


Final Concept Map Due

Portfolio Workshop


Graphing Data and Analysis




Final Recommend-ations

