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Mystery Festival

Melissa Lindsey & Kristen Lugar

Concept Map
Assessment Plan
Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 2
Orientation Video
Clinical Interviews
Elementary Science Methods Home

Kristen Lugar

TITLE OF THE LESSON: Solving the Mystery of Mr, Bear

TECHNOLOGY LESSON (circle one):         Yes      No

DATE OF LESSON: 10/29/08

LENGTH OF LESSON: 45 minutes

NAME OF COURSE: 3rd Grade Science

SOURCE OF THE LESSON: LHS GEMS Guide-Mystery Festival pg.87

TEKS ADDRESSED: 3.2(A) plan and implement descriptive investigations including asking well-defined questions, formulating testable hypotheses, and selecting and using equipment and technology

CONCEPT STATEMENT: A “verdict” is to arise to a conclusion based on all the facts presented to you. Students should recognize that the process so come up with a “verdict” involves bringing together their findings into a conclusion.

PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to:

-solve the mystery of Mr. Bear using the facts and finding during their investigation

-use problem solving techniques to determine the end result


RESOURCES: -the crime scene map (1 per class)

                        -the evidence chart (1 per class)

                        -clue board (1 per class)

                        -pencils and paper (per student)

                        -crayons and markers (per student)

SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: Students will be working with markers and crayons and should be careful when using these materials because they can stain clothing and skin.





Time: _____5 minutes___

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

-the teacher will explain that today we are going to solve the mystery of who borrowed Mr. Bear and will hand out magnifying glasses so students feel that they are actually solving a real case.

-Who do you believe borrowed Mr. Bear?


-I think Jan took Mr. Bear.

-Bill took him.

-No, it was Sam who took Mr. Bear.












Time: ____25 minutes____

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

There are three options the teacher can go with.15

#1-The teacher can have the children review the evidence and then have them draw or write or a combination of what they think happened (i.e. their own story).

#2-After the students review the evidence again, ask them to decide which character(s) they think committed the crime. After some discussion time the class will take a vote to see who they believe borrowed Mr. Bear. Also before voting indicate to your students that they showed “think for themselves” and not vote based on how their peers of voting.

#3- Write the five characters names on the chalkboard: Sam, Bill, Jane, Tina, and AL and leave some blank space underneath each name. Then allow each student to come to the board and write his/her name under which character they feel borrowed Mr. Bear after you review the evidence. Ask your students if they feel comfortable and would like to share why they chose that character.

-Based on the evidence we just reviewed, who do you think did it?

-What evidence do you have to support that conclusion?

-Each student’s response will be different depending on how they interpret the evidence.






Time: _______5 minutes_

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

-the teacher will explain that there is no right or wrong answer because everyone interprets information differently. But the evidence does point to two obvious individuals: Bill and Jane.

-What evidence do you think helps to point to Bill and Jane as the two culprits.

-students might need help indicating which evidence points to Bill and which to Jane.












Time: ____5 minutes___

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

-The teacher will then read the “real” story of Mr. Bear and what happened to him, so the students can get a clear view.

-Tell the students that things or people go missing everyday for some sort of reasons and police and investigators have to go through the same processes we just went through with Mr. Bear to solve those mysteries.

-Did you like learning what actually happened to Mr. Bear and why?








Time: ____5 minutes____

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

-the teacher will assign that they students draw or write their own mystery for homework with all the steps to solving it.

-Does everyone understand the steps to took to solve the Mr. Bear mystery?

-the students might need the steps they did to solve Mr. Bear written on the board with an explanation beside.